Roastin' On The Coast - Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 5:30 PM

Sponsor a Rider

One month of lessons for a single participant is $240. Please consider sponsoring a special needs participant for a month, which will allow us to provide our services to even more individuals in our community who can benefit from therapeutic/adaptive riding. $240/month



Sponsor a Horse

Sponsoring a horse contributes to the equines daily needs including: grain, hay, veterinarian care, supplements, vaccinations, medications & other expenses. With a contribution of $2400 or more, you can sponsor one of our amazing and talented horses.

A Horse Sponsorship includes:

  • 4' x 6' banner advertisement in the outdoor arena
  • Website mention under your chosen equines profile
  • Plush keepsake pony and other FETC swag
  • A photo of you with your sponsored equine featured on our Facebook page



General Donation

No amount is too small to help us in a big way! Your donation will go directly to items we need, such as:

  • Stall shavings & fans
  • Wheelbarrows & pitchforks
  • Horse care items (fly spray, shampoo, hoof medication, etc.)